Discover the best practices and tips for selecting and using compression garments effectively.

Access resources to enhance your post-operative recovery process and navigate the healing journey with ease.

Empower yourself with valuable resources on nutrition, wound care, and self-care practices for a successful recovery.

What's Inside Your Digital Download

Explore a wealth of resources tailored to make your surgical journey smoother. From expert tips on compression garments to essential wound care guidance, this download is your companion for a comfortable and successful recovery.

Jami, a white woman, with long, purple hair, red glasses, and a salmon colored sweater, stands with her right hand on her hip, side turned toward the camera and her head tilted. She has a slight, smile on her face.

Meet Your Surgical Healing Companion

Hello! I'm Jami, a post-op specialist, Licensed Massage Therapist & Bodyworker in North Carolina (since 2008.)  I'm also a Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage therapist through (ACOLS - the Academy of Lymphatic Studies.)   I've been working with clients after cosmetic surgery since 2019 and I understand the importance of feeling empowered and confident before a surgery. I understand the challenges and concerns you face when preparing for surgery. With years of experience in post-operative care, I'm thrilled to share my knowledge and support you through this transformative journey. Let's navigate the path to recovery together.

Start Your Journey Today

Gain access to essential resources & expert guidance - for more confidence in your preparation and recovery process.
